Welcome to my blog portfolio platform

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This is to welcome anyone who comes across this site to the place where I get to express my thoughts, ideas, process flows and all of that. I am creating a space for myself to share to the world what I do. I tend to consume alot of knowledge and be good at many things but never had a chance to show it to the world. This is the beginning of change and putting myself, my work and thoughts out there.

It started as a simple joke (almost every big thing starts as a joke) when I had so much knowledge consumed but nothing to show of it. I mean, typically I had the usual resume, CV, etc. but I needed something extra, something that portrays my mind and thoughts in a extensive way. It took me forever (almost an year) to get here and am glad I stuck to it. I had battling ideas of what I wanted this platform to be and no initial design. So, I did the first draft, didn't like it. Re-did it again and again and now we are here. I am satisfied with the results so far because it shows how much I can grow in just one year. Anyway, cheers to the art of expression, design and development of cool software that outdo current systems.

The main and only objective was to have a platform for my projects and not the usual portfolio that people publish.

Check the source code of the project on GitHub. Github Project Link

Love, Anne.


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Copyright © 2024 Anne Wariiyu